General Issues
Opening hours
Trade visitors daily from 10:00 to 23:59 / Saturday also Education Ticket holders from 10:00 to 23:59
Regular visitors daily from 13:00 to 23:59
Last update on 16.04.2019 by Robert Siegel.
Where and what is the venue?
SUPERBOOTH19 will take place in the FEZ-Berlin, Straße zum FEZ 2, 12459 Berlin again.
The FEZ is europes biggest, non-profit children-, youth- and family center.
It is located in the south east of Berlin in the district named Oberschöneweide.
Last update on 15.04.2019 by Robert Siegel.
To attend a workshop it is neccessary to register and buy an extra ticket for your certain workshop.
You also need minimum a (regular or trade visitor) Ticket for SUPERBOOTH.
Last update on 15.04.2019 by Robert Siegel.
Is the Boat Shuttle included in my ticket?
Yes, but we would like to point out that we had to charter smaller boats this year and therefore strongly recommend that you reserve a ticket in our ticket shop. Ticketholders have priority at the entrance.
Times and departure points can be found under Entrance and Departure Times and in our hall plan.
Last update on 05.05.2019 by Robert Siegel.
So many exhibitiors. How can I find what I´m looking for?
You can find an overview of all our exhibitors and their positions on our website under MESSE.
During SUPERBOOTH there are printed plans available and also signposts which lead you to and through the different ways areas.
The coloured carpets can also provide guidance.
Red shows the Lower Level/Foyer and the way to the Westwing.
Green shows the First Floor (1.OG) and when you see red again you have arrived in the Second Floor (2.OG).
Last update on 15.04.2019 by Robert Siegel.
I´d like to join SUPERBOOT but I have children to take care about.
Please bring your kids. We will offer a booth with ear protection and there will be also workshops and presentation for and with kids. And it´s also an option to come back on 19:00 without the kids to enjoy the evening program.
Last update on 16.04.2019 by Robert Siegel.
All areas are barrier-free or accessable via lift. Also on the stages. In the Audiotorium we provide a special area for wheelchair user.
Last update on 15.04.2019 by Robert Siegel.
I´m joining as an artist but want to join one day earlier.
Please just go to the ticket counter and pick up your artist info. You can also leave your luggage at the wardrobe.
Last update on 15.04.2019 by Robert Siegel.
Can I bring instruments and own gear to SUPERBOOTH for repair issues or detailed questions?
Bringing own instruments is not permittet inside the whole exhibition area.
Last update on 15.04.2019 by Robert Siegel.
Will I die because of hunger on SUPERBOOTH?
Propably not. We offer our lovely culinary mile again with a well chosen selection of street food.
Also the inhouse catering is open with cafe, bistro and bars.
Last update on 15.04.2019 by Robert Siegel.
When I will be inspired that much, it seems like a good idea to bring some money and buy the newest modules directly from the tables.
That´s not possible. Sales are not allowed on SUPERBOOTH.
If you are in Berlin only for a few days, you can go to SchneidersLaden on Thursday or Friday.
SchneidersLaden, Skalitzer Str. 135 a, 10999 Berlin, above REWE.
Last update on 15.04.2019 by Robert Siegel.