Peter Pichler (Mixturtrautonium)

"A voyage to the moon"

Peter Pichler is at present the only musician worldwide who is playing live the Mixtur-Trautonium. The instrument is Oskar Sala´s further development of Friedrich Trautwein’s Trautonium. First presented in 1930, the Trautonium is the predecessor of the synthesizer. A wider public became aware of the Mixturtrautonium through Oskar Sala´s soundtrack-work for Hitchcocks „The Birds“.

At Superbooth19 Peter Pichler will do a live-score of the documentary „ A Voyage To The Moon“ from director Manfred Durniok and Oskar Sala.

In 1974 Durniok was provided with raw filmmaterial from different NASA-Moonshots and created with Oskar Sala a unique documentary with almost unknown space-filmsequences, Sala was scoring solely with the his Mixturtrautonium.

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